Thursday, April 29, 2010

post-it love

So, earlier this week my dorm had open dorm night. It is a dorm night where the boys can go into our dorm rooms. Well, unfortunately, I was in class the whole time, but, sammie still went to my dorm room. I was in class bored texting him when I had the splendid idea to ask him to draw something for my room. He texted me back asking, "write on your walls?". Anywho, I get out of class and race to my room hoping to still see him there. I get to the door and open it. What do I see? Loads of pink post-it notes ALL over my room with little notes. Adorable huh? :) Here's what some of them said:
sleeptight: right above my pillow on the ceiling.
hope you have a goodnights rest. I love being with you and having you as my bestfriend.
I hate him: hahah on my stuffed animal he bought me. It was a joke.
lets run away......
.....and go on adventures
take the trash out.
be mine?
I want you
"you don't talk much.....I like you": from Up
don't fall down: on my bunkbed ladder
muah love!!!: in my closet. lol.
Gay?? haha jk: pointing to me and my gay friend Frankie. ahahaha
Do your laundry!!!!: & I just did my laundry. ahah
Hmnn, no comment, lol: over my exboyfriend in a picture of my family dropping me off to college.
throw it away, or eat me: on an old banana
clean rose's tank!! its yucky.: on my fishies tank which he got me
love your smiles!!!
your cute :)
ewww: pointing to a painting of my cat alice. he pretends not to like cats. haha
I like your beautiful green eyes
my flower?: pointing to a rose I had drying. he picks me flowers and I save them
your super amazing
Raw-quel I rated your everything
Be bad ;) with me....Sammie: next to a post-it my roomie left me saying "Be Good!" haha
Don't let anyone bring you down
are you laughing at yourself yet? :) :on my mirror. haha
Don't let it die: on his herb plant he gave me
Don't sing, youll break the mirror: on my shower radio
2 down 2 to go!!!!
I like you
Also, he put a mustache on my gaitor.
Lastly......He put one on my door pointing to my picture and it said: I like her - Sammie

Isn't he incredibly amazing? :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

twenty questions

I got tagged by my sister to answer these following twenty questions:

1.What can't you leave the house without?
my cell phone, softlips, and room key
2. Favourite makeup brand.
don't really have a favorite makeup brand, just a fasination with mascara
3. Favourite flower?
4. Favourite clothing store?
forever 21, urban outfitters, anthropologie, & thriftin
5. Favourite perfume?
Instiraption by Lacoste
6. Heels or flats?
hmn......not sure. depends
7.Do you make good grades?
semi-good, used to make better
8. Favourite colours?
purple and green
9. Do you drink energy drinks?
yuckers. no
10. Do you drink juice?
regularly. cranberry :)
11. Do you like swimming?
12. Do you eat fries with a fork?
uh, no.
13. Favourite moisturiser?
st. ives
14. Do you want to get married?
havent decided yet. Possibly if i find the right person. we will see.....
15. Do you get mad easy?
unfortunately......I need to work on my temper
16. Are you into ghost hunting?
haha. oooh yeah. :P no
17. Any phobias?
phobias? no. But I do have random ocd things
18. Do you bite your nails?
another thing i need to work on......I only do it when im nervous and sometimes when im trying to think
19. Have you ever had a near death experience?
probably, but none that come to mind
20. Do you drink coffee?
oooohhh decliciousness. occasionally. but not really.

hope you enjoyed my twenty questions. :D

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Well, today was my second day back to school after springbreak. KAUAI! haha. Im soooo very tired at the moment because I just got out of a three hour class. Grrrr. I mean, it was interesting, dont get me wrong, but come on! Three hours! haha. Thats what i get in order to have four day weekends. Yes, you heard (read) me right. FOUR GLORIOUS DAYS OF..............FREEEEEDOM! Anywho, random things of late:
  • Cameron Arana the Pink Pirana will be visiting me. :)
  • My papita's birthday will be on the second of will cameron's
  • Melissa may be visiting riverside
  • Sammie dearest will be taking me to six flags down here. :)
  • Sammie is a cutie and got me tacobell while I was in a four hour class yester day and left it outside my classroom and texted me to go get it. He was nowhere to be found.. (i was SUPER starving during class and texting him)
  • I think that Mila Jovovich is incredibly hot.
  • I also really want to start excersising/getting fit/dancing again.
  • For the past two days ive only eaten vegetables. Thats how lame our cafe is.
  • I only ate cucumber for two meals today.
  • Ive learned that my school brain shuts off at around 8 every night. Idk how im going to handle night classes. :D

Well, thats all for now. Later chickadees

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Long time no see....

Well, hasn't it been a while? Life has been rather busy for me since I moved out of my parents and now attend college eight hours away. The following is the major changes/things ive learned:
  • I truly and deeply now know the meaning of a starving college student
  • One of my daily decisions are yucky cafeteria food vs. sleep (sleep usually wins)
  • Relationships and love are tricky things
  • Alone time is a valuable treasure
  • Procrastiantion is my middle name
  • Adventures keep me going
  • I can sleep anywhere at basically anytime
  • Cars are not comfy places to sleep, but the people in them make up for it
  • Quarentine is probably the most terrifying movie i have ever watched
  • Free time is cherished but has another name, sleep
  • Responsibility is a must whether or not I want to admit it
  • Im a slightly very unemotional person
  • Depression is something that isn't always noticable untill friends point it out
  • Telling myself "Today is a good day" usually gives me a good day
  • I will forever love my little rosie the rivetor and mourn red
  • I believe in miracles.....
  • & much more. :)